THE MIRROR OF MEMORY –  by Mariateresa Cerretelli

The dazzled eyes follow the hypnotic and crystal effect of the water, dancing among the shoals, the fishing-nets and the seagulls, plunging into the silent tune of the images and getting lost in the search after infinity beyond the horizon line.Interval among sky, earth and sea, seductive charming mermaid who chains poets and dreamers, the lagoon of Veneto becomes, in Franco Donaggio’s photography, the representation of a personal universe. It is the memory of your own origins, the broad space of childhood and of play, the reflection of an inner world, the chosen place where to dream, the delicate caress of memories and a hymn of the soul to contemplation and rest. Franco Donaggio has chosen once more a new theme to express his richness of languages. And exploring past and present life he is carried away with his natural emotional stream, without offering resistance. But this symbolic sea where the artist was born and grown up and that was chosen to be an intimate and profound diary, narrates sensations and feelings which transcend the individual experience to reach – through the magic photographic alchemy – the mind and the heart of every man. In the scenario of this natural landscape, the water takes on evocative connotations by the vibrant light of silver reflections and by the dark density of details, communicating a deep sense of peace, of beauty and of sweet nostalgia. And the recurrent oneiric mark which follows like an invisible thread all the artist’s works, also in this case pervades all the photographs adding, if possible, even more charm and mystery. The photographic series, theatre of thoughts and insights, strongly underlines also the vital pulsation of the lagoon, a motherly womb and a safe shelter where life grows at a handful of miles away from the deep sea, where everything follows the rhythm of a constant movement. In order to engrave his sharp and refined black and white, Franco Donaggio has covered all the lagoon that he knows like the back of his hand, fixing in the eyes dreams and reality and designing his water paradise by wise and calibrated touches. This is an extraordinary story written on the wings of emotion through digital images that demonstrates once again that, away from any academic stiffening, photography is actually art, music and poetry. “Reflections” is a love song, a t ravel into a myster ious and ardent immensi ty that invi tes us to dream. Or to follow Giacomo Leopardi’s silent infinity “…e il naufragar m’è dolce in questo mare” “…and shipwreck seems sweet to me in this sea” .